Third Year Scholars present their posters at the Annual Scholar Event. Attendees enjoy meeting and engaging with the scholars to hear about their research.
OHSU, School of Medicine
Program in Biomedical Sciences
Quantifying lipid nanoparticle-mediated
gene editing and morphological changes
in murine retinal pigmented epithelium
OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Investigating Mechanisms of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancments in Estuarine Sediments
OHSU, School of Medicine
Biological Engineering Graduate Program
In utero exposure of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) impacts the endothelial transcriptome in rhesus macaques
OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
Pten Regulates the Stereotped Morphology of Starburst
UO, Department of Human Physiology
Influence of a Patent Foramen Ovale on Thermoregulatory Reposes Djuring Exercise at a fixed HeatProduction
OSU, College of Engineering, Civil and Construction Engineering
Preliminary Investigation of Heavy Vehicle (HV) Parking Design in Oregon Rest Areas
OHSU, Department of Behavioral Neuroscience
Whole-brain Activity Changes in Male and Female C57BL/6J Following Binge-like Ethanol Drinking
OSU, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Plover DB: A Speedy, Specialized Graph Database
OHSU, School of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering
Engineered Skeletal Muscle Enhances Bone Regeneration in Composite Injuries
OHSU, School of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering
Blue-Light Optical Coherence Microscopy
OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Fisheries & Wlldlife
Can You survive in an Extreme Landscape?
OHSU, School of Medicine, Molecular & Cellular Biosciences
RNA-seq Analysis of Murine Liver to Identify Breast Cancer Metastatic Potential During Liver Involution
UO, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Investigation of Non-codoing RNA Structure and Dynamics
UO, Department of Biology, Institute of Ecology and Evolution
Spacial Close-Kin Mark Recapture: A method to estimate populatin density across the landscape from genetic data through close-kin relationships
OSU, College of Engineering, Biological Engineering
Predictive Coding Models in Human Cognition
OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Botany & Plant Pathology
Developmental Dynamics of Maize Leaf Vascular Patterning
OSU, College of Science, Microbiology
How do External Environmental Factors Impact the Gut Microbiome to Influence Host Health?
OSU, College of Science, Chemistry
Designing Metal-Organic Frameworks for Sensing and Optical Devices
OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Geology
Finding Melt in Ice Cores Using Noble Gases
OSU, College of Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering
Reduces Order Modeling of Nuclear Reactor Core Kinetics
OHSU, School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
Farming for Pharamaceuticals: Alpaca Nanobodies as a Tuberculosis Treatment Strategy
OSU, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Zonal Resource Adequacy for Voltage Control
OSU, College of Science, Department of Chemistry
Investigation of Photochemical Organic and Organometallic Systems in Solution by Ultrafast Spectroscopy
OHSU, School of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering
SHIFT: Speedy Histological-to-Immunofluorescent Translation of Whole Slide Images Enabled by Deep Learning
OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Utilizing the Zebrafish Xenograft Model to Evaluate Anticancer Drug Efficacy Overcoming Therapeutic Resistance with Bcl-2 Functional Converters
OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Environmetnal and Molecular Toxicology
Assessing Wildfire Influence on Indoor and Outdoor Chemical Concentrations and Diffusive Flux Between Soils and Air of PAHs in the Western United States
OHSU, School of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering
Fluorescence Quantification of Extracellular Vesicles Collected from Human Plasma via Dielectrophoresis
OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
Arousal Enhances Discrimination of Natural Sounds in Auditory Cortex
OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
Is it Worth It? Assessing How the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Processes Risky Actions
OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
Reduced White Matter Microstructure is Associated with Escalating Depressive Symptoms in Female Adolescents
OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
A History of Maternal Childhood Maltreatment is Associated with Neonatal Amygdala and Hippocampal Resting State Function Connectivity; Clinical Reasoning - Attending to the Story
OSU, School of Science, Microbiology
Reef Microbiomes of Mo'orea, French Polynesia, a Socio-Ecological Island System
UO, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology
Linking Microbial Communities to Ecosystem Function: What We Can Learn from Genotype-phenotype Mapping in Organisms
OSU, College of Science, Mathematics
Methods for Analyzing Resistances of Directed Graphs
OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences
The Influence of Wildfire on Mule Deer Habitat Selection in Eastern Oregon
UO, Departmment of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Exciton Self-Trapping in [n] - Cycloparaphenylenes
OHSU, School of Nursing
Impact of Financial Security on Physical and Mental Health and Symptoms in Cancer Survivors
OSU, College of Science, Mathematics
Decadal Predictability of Global Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
OSU, College of Engineering, Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering
Process Intensification Principles for Competitive Solar Fuels
OSU, College of Science, Organic Chemistry
Chemical Exploration of Douglas Fir Tree Associated Fungi
OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
The Sulphate Capacitor Hypothesis for Carbon Cycle Dyanmics at the Dawn of Life
OSU, College of Science, Integrative Biology
Matching Spatial Scales of Predator Movement and Community Variation
OSU, College of Engineering, Civil and Construction Engineering
Drivers of Alongshore Varying Dune Evolution
OSU, College of Forestry, Sustainable Forest Management
Factors Impacting Resin Production: Quantifying Potential Bark Beetle Resistance in Burned, Harvested, and Untreated Ponderosa Pine Forest
OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
Development of Metabolite Biosensors Using Massively Parallel Assays of Domain-Insertion Variant Libraries
OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
What Role Do Glia Play in Long-Term Axon Maintenance?
OSU, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Analog-to-Digital Data Converter Design
OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
Role of Phosphorylation in Acute Desensitization and Tolerance of the µ-Opiod Receptor
OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
Stress-Enhanced Fear Learning: A Model of Comorbid PTSD and Substance Use
OSU, College of Science, Microbiology
Combined Field and Lab Study to Determine the Effects of Storm-Induced Mixing on Primary Production
OHSU, School of Medicine, Perogram in Molecular and Celllular Biosciences
Investigating Tumor Promotion in the Postpartum Liver Mestastic Niche
UO, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Investigating the Size and Stoichiometry of Pore-Forming Toxins Using Native ESI-MS
OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Keeping Pace with Pesticides: Nano-Sized Particles Can lead to Big Changes
OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
Diet, Aging, and Menapause: Effects on Alzheimer's Pathology
UO, Institute of Molecular Biology
Elucidating Mechanisms Directing meiotic DNA Repair Decisions
OSU, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Anthropology
Sensor-Based Impact Monitoring
OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
Assessing a Novel Therapy for Synucleinopathies using an alpha-synuclein
OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Uranium in Oysters: An Inexpensive and Accessible method of measuring Ocean Corrosivity?
OSU, College of Engineering, Robotics
Motion Planning with Efficient Spring-Mass Behavior
OSU, College of Science, Integrative Biology
The Host as an Ecosystem: Exploring the Role of Microbial Communities in Wildlife Health
OSU,College of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Assessing PAH Exposures with Multiple Approaches Including Silicone Wristbands
OSU, College of Forestry, Forest Ecosystems and Society
Management and Marginalization: Organizational Structures and Associated Trade-offs in Oaxacan Community Forest Enterprises
OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavorial Neuroscience
Songbirds Help Us Understand Brain Mechanisms of Alcoholic-Induced Speech
OSU, College of Science, Integrative Biology
The Host as an Ecosystem: Exploring the Role of Microbial Communities in Wildlife Health
OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate School
Neuronal Dystroglycan Regulates CCK/CB1R Interneuron Development
OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
Anatomical and Functional Mapping of the Central Auditory System
OHSU, School of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Early Treatment with Neutralizing Antibodies is Critical for Preventing Persistent Infection in a Macaque Model of Pediatric HIV-1
OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Fisheries and Wildlife/Marine Mammal Institute
Under the Waves - Tracking At-Sea Habitat Use and Dietary Composition of the Pacific Harbor Seal in Oregon
OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science
Temperature Inversions in the Arctic Atmosphere