Scholar Posters

Third Year Scholars present their posters at the Annual Scholar Event. Attendees enjoy meeting and engaging with the scholars to hear about their research. 

2024 Scholar Posters
2023 Scholar Posters
Jaquan High

OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Investigating Mechanisms of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancments in Estuarine Sediments

Hillary Le
2022 Scholar Posters
Teva Bracha

OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
Pten Regulates the Stereotped Morphology of Starburst

Helena Breuer

OSU, College of Engineering, Civil and Construction Engineering
Preliminary Investigation of Heavy Vehicle (HV) Parking Design in Oregon Rest Areas

Amy Glen

OSU, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Plover DB: A Speedy, Specialized Graph Database

Shanjida Khan
Shanjida Khan

OHSU, School of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering
Blue-Light Optical Coherence Microscopy

Lindsay Millward

OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Fisheries & Wlldlife
Can You survive in an Extreme Landscape?

Michelle Ozaki
Kalika Pai

UO, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Investigation of Non-codoing RNA Structure and Dynamics

Margaret Redick

OSU, College of Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry
Metabolomics of Deep Sea Methane Seeps

Bryce Rogers

OSU, College of Engineering, Biological Engineering
Predictive Coding Models in Human Cognition 

Diana Ruggiera

OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Botany & Plant Pathology
Developmental Dynamics of Maize Leaf Vascular Patterning

Kyle Smith
Olivia Williams

OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Geology
Finding Melt in Ice Cores Using Noble Gases

2019 Scholar Posters
Anthony Alber

OSU, College of Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering
Reduces Order Modeling of Nuclear Reactor Core Kinetics

Timothy Bates

OHSU, School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
Farming for Pharamaceuticals: Alpaca Nanobodies as a Tuberculosis Treatment Strategy

Michael Boller

OSU, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Zonal Resource Adequacy for Voltage Control

Charles Heller

OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
Arousal Enhances Discrimination of Natural Sounds in Auditory Cortex

David Jacobs
Jennifer Leaf

OSU, College of Engineering, Robotics
Resilience in Robotic Collectives

Kaitlin McConnell
Martijn Oostrom

OSU, College of Science, Mathematics
Methods for Analyzing Resistances of Directed Graphs

Lisa Schuyler
2018 Scholar Posters
Michael Crawford

UO, Departmment of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Exciton Self-Trapping in [n] - Cycloparaphenylenes

Dallas Foster
Lucas Freiberg

OSU, College of Engineering, Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering
Process Intensification Principles for Competitive Solar Fuels

Gisela Gonzalez-Montiel

OSU, College of Science, Organic Chemistry
Chemical Exploration of Douglas Fir Tree Associated Fungi

Cedric Hagen

OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
The Sulphate Capacitor Hypothesis for Carbon Cycle Dyanmics at the Dawn of Life

Shannon Hennessey
Paige Hovenga

OSU, College of Engineering, Civil and Construction Engineering
Drivers of Alongshore Varying Dune Evolution

John Koberstein
Alexandria Lassetter

OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
What Role Do Glia Play in Long-Term Axon Maintenance?

Calvin Lee

OSU, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Analog-to-Digital Data Converter Design

Emily Leff
Tommy Navis

OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
Stress-Enhanced Fear Learning: A Model of Comorbid PTSD and Substance Use

Alexandra Quackenbush

OHSU, School of Medicine, Perogram in Molecular and Celllular Biosciences
Investigating Tumor Promotion in the Postpartum Liver Mestastic Niche

Amber Rolland
Matthew Slattery

OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Keeping Pace with Pesticides: Nano-Sized Particles Can lead to Big Changes

Gail Stonebarger

OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
Diet, Aging, and Menapause: Effects on Alzheimer's Pathology

Erik Toraason
Jennifer Ventrella

OSU, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Anthropology
Sensor-Based Impact Monitoring

Sydney Weber Boutrous

OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavioral Neuroscience
Assessing a Novel Therapy for Synucleinopathies using an alpha-synuclein

Sophia Wensman
2017 Scholar Posters
Patrick Clary

OSU, College of Engineering, Robotics
Motion Planning with Efficient Spring-Mass Behavior

Holly Dixon

OSU,College of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Assessing PAH Exposures with Multiple Approaches Including Silicone Wristbands

Sami Friedrich

OHSU, School of Medicine, Behavorial Neuroscience
Songbirds Help Us Understand Brain Mechanisms of Alcoholic-Induced Speech

Caroline Glidden
Daniel Miller

OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate School
Neuronal Dystroglycan Regulates CCK/CB1R Interneuron Development

Luci Moore

OHSU, School of Medicine, Neuroscience Graduate Program
Anatomical and Functional Mapping of the Central Auditory System

Peter Rindall

OSU, College of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Science
Private Set Intersection

Shea Steingass

OSU, College of Agricultural Sciences, Fisheries and Wildlife/Marine Mammal Institute
Under the Waves - Tracking At-Sea Habitat Use and Dietary Composition of the Pacific Harbor Seal in Oregon

Daniel Watkins

OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science
Temperature Inversions in the Arctic Atmosphere