Endowment Donors

With Gratitude To Our Endowment Donors

Endowments provide ongoing revenue for scholar awards and are critical to fulfilling our mission. The Oregon Chapter received two endowments to fund ARCS Scholars in perpetuity from these generous donors. These endowments rotate between OHSU, OSU, or UO where there is the greatest need. These endowments are managed by the Chapter.

  1. Jill Josselyn Bequest (established in 2019)
  2. Julie and Wayne Drinkward (established in 2024)

Through the extraordinary generosity of ARCS donors, the Oregon Chapter has established 36 University Matched Endowments for Scholar Awards since 2015. These generous donors have benefitted from matching funds from Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon State University, and University of Oregon.

  1. ARCS 10th Anniversary Fund #1 - OHSU, School of Medicine (2020)
  2. ARCS 10th Anniversary Fund #2 - OSU, Graduate School (2020)
  3. Anonymous - UO, College of Arts & Sciences, Biology (2021)
  4. Kathleen & Bob Ames - OSU, College of Engineering (2018)
  5. Jamie & Mike Anderson - UO, College of Arts & Sciences (2015)
  6. Jamie & Mike Anderson - OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (2018)
  7. Jamie & Mike Anderson - OHSU/PSU, School of Public Health (2023)
  8. Kirby & Carl Dyess - OHSU, School of Medicine (2017)
  9. Ann & Ron Emmerson - OSU, College of Engineering (2018)
  10. The Fairway Fund given by Susie & George Swindells - OHSU, School of Medicine (2015)
  11. The Fairway Fund given by Susie Swindells- UO, College of Arts & Sciences, Biology (2020)
  12. Joan Foley & Per Jarnberg and Jane & Joe Gray - OHSU, School of Medicine (2022)
  13. Nancy & Dodd Fischer - OSU, College of Forestry (2016)
  14. Nancy Fischer - OHSU, School of Medicine (2023)
  15. Barbara Giesy - OHSU, School of Nursing (2017)
  16. Sheila & Mike Goodwin - OSU, Agricultural Science, Marine Mammal Institute (2020)
  17. Cheryl Hammond - OSU, Pharmacy (2022)
  18. Bob Harrison - OSU, College of Engineering (2023)
  19. Janis Harrison - OHSU, School of Medicine (2023)
  20. Sharon C. Hewitt - OHSU, School of Medicine (2017)
  21. Anne & Peter Jarvis - OSU, College of Engineering (2022)
  22. Jean & Rich Josephson - OSU, College of Engineering (2018)
  23. Jill Josselyn Bequest - UO, College of Arts & Sciences, Chemistry (2020)
  24. Sue & Bernie McGrath - OSU, College of Science (2018)
  25. Caron & Larry Ogg - OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (2015)
  26. Caron & Larry Ogg Family - OSU, College of Engineering, Robotics (2018)
  27. Caron & Larry Ogg Family - OHSU, School of Medicine (2020)
  28. Ed & Beth Ray - OSU, Graduate School (2019)
  29. Richardson Family - OHSU, School of Medicine (2021)
  30. Barbara & Philip Silver - OSU, College of Agricultural Science (2015)
  31. Barbara & Philip Silver Family - OHSU, School of Medicine/School of Nursing (2020)
  32. Kenda & Ken Singer - UO, College of Arts & Sciences, Human Physiology (2020)
  33. Science is the Solution (given by Barbara & Philip Silver/Caron & Larry Ogg) - OHSU, School of Medicine (2022)
  34. Sarah & Ross Smith - OSU, College of Agricultural Science (2022)
  35. Susan & Bill Smith - UO, College of Arts & Sciences, Human Physiology (2022)
  36. Bernd and Doreen Simoneit - OSU, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (2024)

To learn more about establishing an endowment, please contact us at info@arcsoregon.org.

Photo courtesy of Andie Petkus

Drinkward's Announce Family Endowment
"Many members of our family have believed in and supported ARCS Oregon for 18 years - three generations of ARCS Oregon members, numerous Scholar Awards by Cecil and Sally Drinkward, Wayne and Julie Drinkward, and Annie and Brian Reeves, and long time event sponsorship by Hoffman Corporation. ARCS Awards are so much more than scholarships because the ARCS model of scholar support involves creating opportunities for a caring personal connection between donors and scholars. That caring personal connection is the “secret sauce” that allows donors to see to help when more than funds can be valuable. It encourages HOPE by letting the Scholars know others believe in them and by allowing donors to have HOPE through knowing these amazing, brilliant, and dedicated scholars. That special way ARCS supports scholars more than financially is a defining reason for its success. In honor of the huge appreciation our family has for ARCS, Wayne and I have set up an endowment to fund an ARCS scholar in perpetuity. The endowment that we funded, will be available to all three Oregon universities, rotating between them as appropriate. "