Our surroundings shape who we are – even down to the level of our DNA. University of Oregon (UO) ARCS scholar Jordan Rodriguez uses machine learning algorithms to study how environmental changes can affect a population’s genetics over multiple generations.
Rodriguez is a graduate student in the Kern Ralph co-lab... Read more
ARCS Oregon scholar Sarah Caballero, a PhD student in food science and technology, took home first place in Oregon State University’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition and advances to the regional stage in March, where she will compete at the Western Association of Graduate Schools event in Denver.
Sarah Caballero, food science and technology, won the Oregon State 3MT® Competition and will go on to compete regionally in Denver at the Western Association of Graduate Schools in March. Second place was nabbed by Jessica Osanya, applied economics, and People's Choice Award winner was Esteban Hernandez, chemistry.
ARCS Foundation Oregon scholar Katie Stelling has set a blistering pace for the last few months! Katie, a PhD candidate at Oregon State University’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS), has traveled the world and the nation to pursue her science.
In late October, Katie traveled to Boulder... Read more
In the complex world of neurology, where the mysteries of the central nervous system are unraveled, ARCS scholar Nathan Anderson's MS research at the University of Oregon stands out as a unique blend of scientific inquiry and personal mission. Nathan's work focuses on a protein called Vnd, a key player... Read more
Our brains are made up of billions of tiny cells called neurons, which communicate using electrical impulses. When neurons connect, they do so at a specialized point called a synapse. Synapses are essential for processing everything we experience—sensation, perception, and thought.
The most well-known type of synapse is the chemical... Read more
ARCS Oregon alum, Alex Bartlett, received the OHSU Innovation Award for Early Career Innovator on March 14, 2024. Alex is a third-year postdoctoral research fellow in Dr. Robert Eil’s lab, funded by the Cancer Research Institute Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Dr. Eil, a surgeon-scientist, specializing in treating patients with cancers of... Read more
As the 2024-2025 academic year begins, graduate students are getting organized in Oregon for the next year of their march towards a PhD. Thanks to donors and members, ARCS Oregon will give financial support to dozens of PhD students in various scientific fields.
What can ancient ice cores taken from the thickest ice sheets in Antarctica tell us? As it turns out, plenty. These 800,000-year-old ice cores hold atmospheric gases from their formation, which scientists like ARCS Oregon scholar alum Olivia Williams use to unravel the relationship between human activity and rising carbon... Read more