Sunil Joshi, an Oregon ARCS Scholar Alum, shared the exciting news that part of his dissertation work from Dr. Brian Druker and Dr. Elie Traer's lab was published in Cancer Cell, which is among the top cancer journals in the world. Dr. Trevor Bivona, an expert in cancer drug resistance, commented on Sunil's work, “Altogether,... Read more
Sexual assault and harassment are pervasive in academic and professional field work. These violations disproportionately affect womxn and other minorities in the field, negatively impacting career trajectories and retention. Institutional policies that focus on office or classroom misconduct often overlook the specific and isolating nature of field work. FieldSafe OSU:... Read more
In 2017, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) enrollment numbers at Oregon State University showed that 75% of the enrolled undergraduate and graduate students and 82% of the teaching faculty identified as white. These statistics motivated three graduate students to explore the roots of this disparity in enrollment... Read more
Congratulations to ARCS Oregon Scholar Alum Katja Kasimatis, one of our two first scholars at UO and an ARCS star! Katja was a chapter scholar. On announcing the award to ARCS Oregon, Katja said “I wanted to share my joy and gratitude since ARCS was such a strong part of... Read more
On behalf of the 39th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Award Committee and the Office of Institutional Diversity at Oregon State University, Lara Jacobs was informed that she is a recipient of the 2021 Oscar Humberto Montemayor Award.