ARCS Foundation Oregon currently has more than 110 members committed to supporting the mission through donations of time, energy, and financial resources.
Why Susan Joined ARCS
"As a scientist, I have trained many graduate students over the years. When I was introduced to ARCS and discovered its dedication to supporting graduate education, I had to join in. It was a way of paying back and honoring the importance of these exceptional students."
Why Sheila Joined ARCS
When I joined ARCS several years ago, my initial reason was the compelling argument that graduate students in these critical areas of science needed our support, and it was a great way to contribute to OSU. Having all three of my children in science and medicine made me very aware of the costs and challenges in obtaining advanced degrees. However, I have received so much more in return as a member of ARCS, getting to know many wonderful young people at our universities, as well as finding a like-minded group of women interested in advancing science in the U.S., and learning about the amazing research going on in Oregon. I guess that's why it's been so easy to recruit more members to ARCS Foundation Oregon Chapter!