At a young age, Trevor Kent Howard was determined to help save the world by researching solutions to address climate change. Trevor, an ARCS Oregon Scholar Alum, holds the distinction of being a triple alumnus at Oregon State University by earning his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in nuclear engineering. While working... Read more
At the January 2023 ARCS National Board meeting, under the direction of Caron Ogg, ARCS National President, the Board approved a Task Force to review and provide guidance to ARCS chapters in reference to funding only U.S. citizens. Caron appointed Joan Foley (Oregon Chapter member) and Chris Simpson Brent (Northern... Read more
Congratulations to Toni Doolen, recipient of the Society of Women Engineers' 2023 Suzanne Jenniches Upward Mobility Award. Doolen is Dean of the Oregon State University Honors College, and an ARCS Oregon member.
The award honors a woman leader who has succeeded in rising in their organization to a significant management... Read more
Your Contributions Go Further With $25,000 In Matching Funds!
Last month, trustees of the Maybelle Clark MacDonald Fund (MCMF) approved ARCS Foundation Oregon’s request for $25,000 in matching funds to support the Chapter’s efforts to implement new technology for its expanded operations. This means that we must raise $25,000... Read more
Two ARCS scholar alums from the University of Oregon are now working at Virginia universities.
Michael Crawford received his PhD in physical chemistry from UO. He now works as Assistant Professor in the department of chemistry at Virginia Commonwealth University,... Read more
Caron Ogg will take the stage on November 13th to accept the honor of “AFP Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year.” The Association of Fundraising Professionals each November salutes the great contributions of philanthropy and those people active in the philanthropic community.
ARCS Oregon member Elise McClure joined Oregon State’s University’s Board of Trustees in July 2023, approved by the state legislature with five other new trustees. McClure earned her undergraduate degree in business at OSU and was inducted into OSU’s College of Business Hall of Fame in 2019.
The OHSU-PSU School of Public Health (SPH), a beacon of excellence in public health education and research, is delighted to introduce its first recipient of the prestigious Achievement Awards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Oregon Scholar. Lynette Piña, an incoming Health Systems and Policy PhD student, has been selected to... Read more
Jayathi Y. Murthy, a national leader in higher education engineering teaching, research and service, began her service as Oregon State University’s 16th president on Sept. 9, 2022. She is the first female to lead the university, and the ARCS Chapter’s first university President as a member.
Someone once said, “It takes a village,” and I have definitely felt the truth of that statement over the weeks since I assumed the presidency of ARCS Foundation Oregon on July 1.
I have so many people to thank for enabling a smooth transition for me from... Read more