Caron Ogg will take the stage on November 13th to accept the honor of “AFP Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year.” The Association of Fundraising Professionals each November salutes the great contributions of philanthropy and those people active in the philanthropic community.
Members of the ARCS Oregon Chapter should not be surprised that one of our own volunteers has been noticed for leadership and tenacity in growing our fundraising capabilities. The Oregon State University Foundation and our Chapter jointly nominated Caron for the award.
The nomination noted that Caron helped launch the innovative fundraising model of “university matched endowments” with ARCS donors and our university partners Oregon State University, University of Oregon, and Oregon Health & Sciences University. The program created endowed funds to support STEM students in perpetuity: donors giving $100,000, the university contributing $50,000 and ARCS covering initial fees. After Caron and her husband Larry created the first such endowment with OSU, Caron began actively promoting this opportunity by identifying other potential donors, meeting with them, and sharing the impact of these endowments. The Oregon Chapter now has 35 university matched endowments.
Caron and Larry are substantial donors themselves for ARCS Oregon and other nonprofits. They have funded three endowments with ARCS, and supported 13 STEM PhD candidates. Their donations fund scholars at each Oregon university partner.
As the nomination letter said: “Caron’s engagement in philanthropy at ARCS has ensured that Oregon’s top research universities will be able to recruit and support promising scientists and STEM education. Her passion is infectious and has been a galvanizing force for philanthropy at ARCS.”
Caron says, “I am honored to have received the “AFP Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year.” These days, philanthropists are taking an in-depth look at what organizations they want to support, and our community is in great need whether it’s the arts, science, health, social services, or education.”
She explains that “Larry and I love ARCS because we get to personally know our scholars, follow their research and careers, and know we are impacting them as scientists. Our universities are competing with top research universities across the country to attract top graduate students and if ARCS awards can bring the best STEM students to Oregon, it is a win for our universities and our community.”
The nomination letter also noted Caron’s other support of education, including that she founded the Shoreline Public Schools District Foundation in the Seattle area and served as its president before moving to Portland. A graduate of Washington State University, she is beginning a term on the WSU Foundation Board of Directors in January 2024. Caron joined the OSU Foundation Board of Trustees in 2017 and will continue in that capacity. She also serves on the board for the MS Society for Oregon and SW Washington.
Caron joined ARCS Oregon in 2005, a year after the Chapter’s founding, and served as Chapter President 2010-12. She played a key role in the chapter’s growth and the development of its strategic plan. She received the ARCS Light Award in 2013. She is currently on the chapter Board as VP Philanthropy.
She served as president of National ARCS Foundation from 2021 to 2023 and during her term secured a $2 million endowment for sustainability. Also during her term, Danaher Foundation funded scholar awards at chapters where the company has a presence.
Caron’s daughter Lara, and granddaughter Alexa, are both ARCS Oregon members.
Our Chapter was honored by AFP as the "2015 Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation."

ARCS Oregon members attending AFP Philanthropy Day Event