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First Scholar Award for the University of Oregon Announced

Posted on Thursday, March 5, 2015

Friendship made the decision to offer the first scholar award at University of Oregon easy for ARCS Oregon Chapter member Jill Josselyn.

When the chapter announced the partnership with University of Oregon, Jill’s first thought was of her long time friend and fellow outdoor enthusiast, Vickie DeRose. “I was thrilled to see us expand support to University of Oregon and I know from my long association with Vickie how very deserving the scholars are in her department and the Department of Biology,” explained Jill. DeRose is a professor in the Department of Chemistry, one of two departments now supported by the new partnership with University of Oregon.

A retired environmental scientist, Jill describes Vickie DeRose as a delightful person who takes her science seriously, saying, “Vickie’s enthusiasm for science and her department is infectious. She’s the best combination of brilliance and high integrity.”

Jill sums up her reasons for offering the first UO scholar award succinctly: “ARCS is so very careful about how they vet schools and departments—and ARCS scholars are so meritorious—I’m thrilled to see us expanding to support UO. I know from my association with Vickie how very deserving the scholars are in her department and the other science departments approved at University of Oregon.”

“ARCS is simply a great organization that effectively supports science,” continues Jill. Her conviction that science research is key to generating intellectual capital, new ideas and innovative solutions cemented Jill’s relationship with ARCS Oregon. “The sciences and technology are pivotal to the prospects of our economy, our country, really, to humanity. These research areas, including engineering, deserve robust financial commitments because this is our investment in the future,” she adds.

Every ARCS member supports local scholars by their membership in ARCS Foundation. Jill Josselyn has stepped up to offer the first UO scholar award, saying, “This is a great opportunity to kick start the relationship between ARCS Oregon and University of Oregon!” 

Vickie DeRose, professor at UO and Jill Josselyn, ARCS Oregon member