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ARCS Scholar Uses Oyster Shells to Decrease Acidic Seawater

Posted on Monday, October 2, 2017

With funding from Oregon Sea Grant, ARCS Scholar, Sophie Wenman, and other researchers are placing bags of oysters on different amounts of empty shells to see if the shells help the oysters grow better. The empty shells dissolve and emit calcium and carbonate into the water potentially serving as a tool to fight ocean acidification. Oregon Sea Grant is a marine science research, outreach and education program based at Oregon State University. Learn more about Utilizing Uranium to Calcium Ratios to Determine Best Management Practices for Shell Planting and Oyster Culture to Mitigate Ocean Acidification Impacts.

Click HERE to view the video.

Videographer and editor: Gustavo Garcia
Producer: Tiffany Woods

Photo and video credit to: Oregon Sea Grant at Oregon State University