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ARCS Foundation Oregon Receives $1.5 Million Bequest

Posted on Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Portland, OR – An ARCS member honored ARCS Foundation Oregon with a $1.5 million bequest to support its signature scholar awards program in perpetuity. This is the largest gift to date for the Oregon Chapter and significantly increases the Chapter’s ability to sustain its mission at a new level.

Jill Josselyn was a software engineer and oceanographer in her career. Her lifelong interest in science, and her philanthropic vision, matched perfectly with the mission of ARCS – to advance science in America by investing in PhD candidates in science, engineering and medical research. ARCS Oregon supports outstanding PhD candidates at Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon State University and the University of Oregon. Josselyn supported one of the first ARCS scholars at the University of Oregon, a chemistry student. 

 “This is a transformative gift for ARCS Oregon,” said Co-President Joan Foley.  “Jill’s generous bequest gives significant recognition to the important work of ARCS Oregon, and the members are honored,” Foley said.  

“Jill’s love of science and curiosity led her to attend many ARCS field trips and programs about cutting-edge research that is being conducted in Oregon’s universities. Jill was well read and always had good questions for the presenting scientists,” Foley said. “The Jill V. Josselyn Scholar Award Endowment will enable the Chapter to fund PhD candidates in perpetuity.” 

Founded in 2004 by a group of philanthropic women, ARCS Foundation Oregon to date has raised over $3.7 to fund scholar awards to 226 PhD candidates in Oregon. 

Jill Josselyn passed away in August 2017. 

For more information:

Contact Julie Branford at

Jill Josselyn- software engineer and oceanographer